

Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Catatan Kecil ("Shortcut Adobe Photoshop CS3")

Draw Marquee from Center Alt-Marquee
Add to a Selection Shift
Subtract from a Selection Alt
Intersection with a Selection Shift-Alt
Make Copy of Selection w/Move tool Alt-Drag Selection
Make Copy of Selection when not in Move tool Ctrl-Alt-Drag Selection
Move Selection (in 1-pixel Increments) Arrow Keys
Move Selection (in 10-pixel Increments) Shift-Arrow Keys
Select all Opaque Pixels on Layer Ctrl-click on Layer Thumbnail (in Layers palette)
Restore Last Selection Ctrl-Shift-D
Feather Selection Ctrl-Alt-D or Shift-F6
Move Marquee while drawing selection Hold Space while drawing marquee

Fit on Screen Double-click on Hand tool or Ctrl-0
100% View Level (Actual Pixels) Double-Click on Zoom Tool or Ctrl-Alt-0
Zoom in Ctrl-Space-Click or Ctrl-Plus(+)
Zoom out Alt-Space-Click or Ctrl-Minus(–)
Hide all tools and palettes Tab
Hide all palettes except Toolbox and Options bar Shift-Tab
Rotate through full screen modes F
Display menu bar when viewing in full-screen mode Shift-F (then press F to hide)
Scroll image left or right in window Ctrl-Shift-Page Up/Down
Jump/Zoom to part of Image Ctrl-drag in Navigator palette
Toggles layer mask on/off as rubylith \
Layer Shortcuts
Create new layer Ctrl-Shift-N
Select non-contiguous layers Ctrl-Click layers
Select contiguous layers Click one layer, then Shift-Click another layer
Delete Layer Delete key (while in the Move tool)
View contents of layer mask Alt-Click layer mask icon
Temporarily turn off layer mask Shift-Click layer mask icon
Clone layer as you move it Alt-Drag
Find/Select layer containing object Right-Click on the object w/Move tool
Change layer opacity Number pad keys (w/Move tool selected)
Cycle down or up through blend modes Shift-Plus(+) or Minus(–)
Change to a specific blend mode (w/Move tool) Shift-Alt-letter (ie: N=Normal, M=Multiply. etc.)
Switch to layer below/above current layer Alt-[ or Alt-]
Type Shortcuts
Select all text on layer Double-Click on T thumbnail in Layer palette
Increase/Decrease size of selected text by 2 pts Ctrl-Shift->/<
Increase/Decrease size of selected text by 10 pts Ctrl-Shift-Alt->/<
Increase/Decrease kerning/tracking Alt-Right/Left Arrow
Align text left/center/right Ctrl-Shift-L/C/R
Fill selection with background color Ctrl-Backspace
Fill selection with foreground color Alt-Backspace
Fill selection with foreground color using Lock Transparent Pixels Shift-Alt-Backspace
Fill selection with source state in History palette Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
Display Fill dialog box Shift-Backspace
Sample as background color Alt-Click w/Eyedropper tool
To get Move tool While in any painting/editing tool-hold Ctrl
To get Eyedropper with Paint tools Alt
Change paint opacity (with Airbrush OFF) Number keys
Change paint opacity (with Airbrush ON) Shift-Number keys
Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush ON) Number keys
Change Airbrush flow (with Airbrush OFF) Shift-Number keys
Cross-Hair Cursor Any painting/editing tool-turn Caps Lock on
Decrease/Increase Brush Size [ or ]
Decrease/Increase Hardness of Brush Shift-[ or Shift-]
Switch between preset Brushes < or >
Open Brushes pop-up palette Right-Click in Image window
Erase to History palette’s source state Alt-Eraser
Cycle down or up through blend modes Shift-Plus(+) or Minus(–)
Change to a specific blend mode Shift-Alt-letter (ie: N=Normal, M=Multiply, etc.)
Create fixed color target from within a dialog box Shift-Click in image window
Delete fixed color target Alt-Click on target with Color Sampler tool
Create new spot-color channel from current selection Ctrl-Click on New Channel button in Channels palette
Pen Tool Shortcuts
To get Direct Selection tool while using Pen Ctrl
Switch between Add-Anchor and Delete-Anchor Point tools Alt
Switch from Path Selection tool to Convert Point tool when pointer is over anchor point Ctrl-Alt
To Select a whole path w/Direct Selection tool Alt-click
Convert path to a selection Ctrl-click on path name (in Paths palette)
Palette Shortcuts
Show/Hide Brushes palette F5
Show/Hide Color palette F6
Show/Hide Layers palette F7
Show/Hide Info palette F8
Show/Hide Actions palette Alt-F9
Open Adobe Bridge Ctrl-Alt-O
Other Shortcuts
Switch between open documents Ctrl-Tab
Undo or Redo operations beyond last one Ctrl-Alt-Z/Ctrl-Shift-Z
Apply Last Filter Ctrl-F
Opens Last Filter Dialog Box Ctrl-Alt-F
Hand Tool Spacebar
Reset Dialog Box Hold Alt, Cancel turns into Reset Button, Click it
Increase/Decrease value (in any option field) by 1 unit Up/Down Arrow
Increase/Decrease value (in any option field) by 10 units Shift-Up/Down Arrow
Replay last Transformation Ctrl-Shift-T
Measure Angle between Lines (Protractor Function) After ruler is drawn, Alt-Drag end of line with Ruler Tool
Move Crop Marquee while creating Hold Space while drawing
Snap Guide to Ruler ticks Hold Shift while dragging
Highlight Fields in Options bar (n/a for all tools) Enter
Don’t Snap object edge while moving Hold Control while dragging
V Move
M Rectangular Marquee, Elliptical Marquee
L Lasso tools
W Quick Selection, Magic Wand
C Crop
K Slice tools
J Spot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, Patch, Red Eye
B Brush, Pencil, Color Replacement
S Clone Stamp, Pattern Stamp
Y History Brush, Art History Brush
E Eraser tools
G Gradient, Paint Bucket
R Blur, Sharpen, Smudge
O Dodge, Burn, Sponge
P Pen tools
T Type tools
A Path Selection, Direct Selection
U Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Line, Custom Shape
N Notes tools
I Eyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler, Count
H Hand
Z Zoom
X Switch Foreground and Background colors
D Default colors
Q Quick Mask Mode
F Cycle through screen modes 

Sumber ::::

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Jenis-Jenis Shot dan Gerakan Kamera

CU (Close Up)
Shot yang menampilkan dari batas bahu sampai atas kepala.
MCU (Medium Close Up)
Shot yang menampilkan sebatas dada sampai atas kepala.
BCU (Big Close Up)
Shot yang menampilkan bagian tubuh atau benda tertentu sehingga tampak besar. Misal : wajah manusia sebatas dagu sampai dahi.
ECU (Extrime Close Up)
Shot yang menampilkan detail obyek. Misalnya mata, hidung, atau telinga.
MS (Medium Shot)
Shot yang menampilkan sebatas pinggang sampai atas kepala.
TS (Total Shot)
Shot yang menampilkan keseluruhan obyek.
ES (Establish Shot)
Shot yang menampilkan keseluruhan pemandangan

atau suatu tempat untuk memberi orientasi tempat di mana peristiwa atau adegan itu terjadi.
Two Shot

Shot yang menampilkan dua orang.
OSS (Over Shoulder Shot)
Pengambilan gambar di mana kamera berada di belakang

bahu salah satu pelaku, dan bahu si pelaku tampak atau kelihatan dalam frame. Obyek utama tampak menghadap kamera dengan latar depan bahu lawan main.


Panning adalah

Sudut Pengambilan Gambar Dengan Kamera

Dalam pengambilan gambar baik foto/video tidak terlepas dengan tehnik atau cara pengambilan gambar tersebut, supaya gambar bisa terlihat bagus dan baik. Anda mungkin pernah menonton sebuah film, dan anda pasti akan melihat pengambilan gambar pada film tersebut berbeda beda misalnya pada adegan tertentu kamera seakan akan berada jauh dari objek gambar ataupun sebaliknya dan ini biasa disebut dengan istilah Camera Angle.

Ada beberapa tehnik pengambilan gambar yang biasa di gunakan diantaranya:
  • Bird Eye View
Ini merupakan sudut pengambilan gambar yang dilakukan di atas,seperti burung terbang yang melihat ke bawah. biasanya untuk mengambil gambar dengan sudut ini dilakukan di atas gedung ataupun dengan helikopter.
  • High Angle
Ini merupakan Sudut pengambilan gambar yang

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Cara memasang Mivo Tv Di Blog

Berikut akan saya bahas tentang Cara memasang Mivo Tv Di Blog
Langkah-langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut :
  • Login ke akun blogger kalian.
  • Buat "Entri Baru". Bisa juga "Laman"./ Posting Baru
  • Lalu klik yang "Edit HTML"
    Masukkan script di bawah ini.
 <iframe src="" width="275" align="middle" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="140"></iframe>
Tunggu, baru LOADING.
<embed allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" bgcolor="#ffffff" devicefont="false" menu="true" name="MivoTV" pluginspage="" quality="high" scale="noscale" scroll="auto" src="*%2099999%29%20+%20%27" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="100%" align="top" height="860"></embed>

  •  Lalu Simpan dan publikasikan
    Nah,, bagaimana ?? mudah kan?? semoga berhasil yaa.. terimakasih :)